Friday 1 April 2011

Noni Juice Pros & Cons

Noni juice has grown in popularity, and many distributors have begun producing it. Purists believe the best noni juice comes from the pollutant-free volcanic soils of the South Pacific. The harvesting of the noni fruit is imperative in maintaining the healthiest benefits.

  1. History

    • The Polynesians first discovered the medical uses of noni juice more than 2,000 years ago. In 2003, the European Commission approved noni juice as a novel food and allowed it to be commercialized. New foods in Europe are stringently tested for safety.


    • Noni juice is used for those with arthritis, immune disorders, colds, cancer, depression, hypertension, high blood pressure, skin infections and pain. It contains antibacterial compounds that help guard against infections and diseases.


    • Noni juice is rich in vitamin A, calcium, sodium, vitamin C, niacin and potassium. It also contains 10 essential vitamins, seven dietary mineral and 18 amino acids. Noni juice contains xeronine, an alkaloid needed for proper cell function.

    Side Effects

    • Like other natural products, noni juice does have some side effects. These include coughing, headaches, bloating, gas, diarrhea, joint pain, foul breath, rashes, fatigue and heavy periods in women.


    • Most of these side effects are short-lived and occurred in less than 10 percent of those who consumed the juice. Also, those experiencing side effects might have had an allergic reaction to the fruit.


      • Noni juice typically has an unpleasant taste when it isn't flavored with additives. Those looking for nutritional benefits may prefer to look to other more palatable fruit juices or pursue the type of noni juice with flavor additives.
        Noni juice can be high in potassium, which can prove dangerous for those with kidney disease, as it can cause potassium levels in the blood to get dangerously high, a condition called hyperkalemia.

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